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mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

Nvidia launches a massive, intuitive new site for GeForce users and gamers alike.

GF1 232x300 NVIDIA Launches New GeForce.com Website
Presently, GeForce users who head over to NVIDIA’s main site get bombarded by everything from Tesla to Quadro to ION.  It is without a doubt a well-designed corporate site but as their product portfolio has increased in both size and complexity, navigation has become a bit difficult.  So to make things a bit easier on what is their largest yet highest maintenance customer base, NVIDIA has designed a new site dedicated to GeForce customers.

Christened GeForce.com, it is frankly one of the slickest websites I have had the pleasure of browsing through and it meshes well with NVIDIA’s current direction.  Not only does it offer the usual drivers and marketing materials one would expect to find but delving a bit deeper uncovers a wealth of information covering everything from game settings, to demo downloads, to benchmark results.

21 NVIDIA Launches New GeForce.com Website

One of the more interesting aspects of this new site is that it brings a real sense of true interactivity to most of its functions.  Searching for drivers is particularly easy since the driver and software download page is the first section available to anyone who browses GeForce.com.

gf 51 NVIDIA Launches New GeForce.com WebsiteMost of this may sound a lot like a “been there, done that” experience but it is the Optimize section that really gives wings to GeForce.com.  NVIDIA has also implemented a vast knowledge base (that will be expanding as more content is added) which can help gamers tweak games for the best possible results and even give some quick guides explaining certain in-game technologies.  In the Optimize section there is also the option to see maximum playable graphics settings for a number of NVIDIA cards in a large cross section of today’s most popular games.  This could prove to be an invaluable tool for people looking for easy access to some basic benchmark and framerate numbers so an informed purchasing decision can be made.

The Hardware area meanwhile is simply one of the best resources available for everything and anything GeForce related.  Here you can compare the performance of cards against one another in nearly every current PC game, read reviews, and download product pictures.  This is also where you will find the usual long lists for tech specs and features.

There are of course other sections like a Games & Apps area where the latest demos and trailers can be downloaded and a revamped forum.  The download section in particular is a great addition but we’re hoping that it get fleshed out in the future with a few more game demos and benchmarks as they become more widely available.

51 NVIDIA Launches New GeForce.com Website

With this news article, we have only begun to scratch the surface of what GeForce.com currently offers and what it will likely feature as it matures.  Remember, it is still in its infancy but what it currently offers is impressive to say the least.   It’s quite obvious that NVIDIA has put a ton of time, effort, resources and thought into the new GeForce.com and they should be commended for it.  This is envisioned as an ever-evolving site that will continue featuring the best of what gamers are looking for in an easy to navigate page format and that is quite a lofty goal considering how quickly the gaming market changes.   Nonetheless, we wish them all the best because this could become an excellent resource for all gamers and not only NVIDIA’s customers.

gf 31 NVIDIA Launches New GeForce.com Website

25 commenti:

  1. I'm going to have to check this out, you make it sound so cool!! Thanks a lot for the reccomendation and screen shots!

  2. This is great but it also reminds me I should change my Nvidia card haha

  3. nice...very good post man...good work

  4. I def have to check that site out...thanks dude.

  5. That's a good idea, and quite useful for us.

  6. I hope to make a dank gaming pc sometime
